The topics of extraterrestrial life and free energy suppression have been introduced to the mainstream through the recent release of the Sirius documentary. Based on the work of Dr. Steven Greer and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), the film exposes the fact that ETs have been interacting with our world and that there is a ruthless coverup taking place within the highest levels of government and industry worldwide.
The propulsion systems used within these ET craft reveal far more powerful methods of harnessing energy that can defy gravity and could potentially liberate humanity from our dependence on fossil fuels. The movie paints the picture that human greed and power interests are the only major obstacle in the way to introducing these revolutionary technologies for all of us to enjoy and benefit from. While this certainly seems to be true on many levels, there is far more to consider than is being presented within the Sirius documentary that needs to be understood at this time.
I personally believe that Greer, the CSETI team, and those involved in this film have noble intentions. However, there are a few things that I would like to point out that have disturbed me about this Disclosure Movement that have potentially far-reaching implications for those who are just being introduced to the reality of extraterrestrial life on Earth. Let it be known that these are my personal views, and do not reflect the views of Collective Evolution as a whole.
- CSETI operates on the premise that ETI net motives and ultimate intentions are peaceful and non-hostile.
- It appears probable that more than one extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for the ETI/ETs contact so far observed. It is likely that this represents a cooperative effort.
- CSETI will attempt to cultivate bilateral ETI-human contact and relations which will serve peaceful, cooperative goals. It is NOT a goal of CSETI to acquire ET advanced technologies which may have a potential harmful or military application if disclosed prematurely. (Source: CE-5 Initiative – Sirius Disclosure)
After careful consideration, I believe that Greer is being used to spread disinformation in a subtle manner, particularly concerning the idea that all extraterrestrials are benevolent and have humanity’s best interests at heart. This idea is dangerous because it conditions people to passively accept all extraterrestrial activities as being “good” or “positive” in nature. Many people are looking for saviors and sweeping answers to humanity’s problems, and are quick to accept the idea that all ETs must be here to help us in a genuine and selfless manner. We tend to automatically assume that because they have advanced technology, have not attacked us directly, and can communicate “lovingly” and telepathically, that they must be spiritually advanced as well. However, this is not always the case. The fact is these beings have their own interests and agendas, or else they would not be interacting with us directly and involving themselves in human affairs.
The purpose of this article is to reveal a different side of Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Project, and to present evidence that there are indeed hostile extra/intra-terrestrial races currently engaging the human race on a scale far vaster than we are fully aware of.
First, some key points to consider. Our understandings of the origins, operations, and characteristics of intelligent life in the physical universe are extremely limited. We are not aware of the extent of how races truly operate and how interplanetary relations are conducted. We are not really sure why extraterrestrial beings are physically engaging with humans, particularly within levels of government and influence and always in secret. Our human perspective leads to us to make conclusions primarily based upon on our own hopeful expectations, naive beliefs and conditioned assumptions. The majority of New Age content often claims that all ETs are benevolent in nature by offering shallow answers and dubious interpretations that are in direct contradiction with many highly disturbing testimonies of insidious human-ET experiences.
Extraterrestrials have been interacting with humans for far longer than we know, and it is certain that there are benevolent, neutral, and malevolent ETs from our point of view. To say that all ETs are of one “type” is to be in denial. The ETs that are intervening with human affairs on a physical level are doing so for their own purposes and interests — not exclusively humanity’s. A careful study of the ET phenomenon reveals that there is indeed a dark side to the extraterrestrial agenda. Forced alien abductions, powerful mind control activities, highly invasive genetic experimentation, and military-alien collusion in deep underground bases are just some of the nefarious aspects of this agenda. The Allies of Humanity briefings reveal that we are ultimately dealing with resource explorers — collectives of races who primarily function within rigid hierarchical power structures that do not value individual freedom. They seek to exploit us for their own gain in ways we are just beginning to comprehend. We are facing competition from the universe — higher competition from nature itself.
The eventual goal for some of these races is to take control of the planet and its resources — with humans being one of those resources. They plan on doing this through primarily non-violent means using mass deception, persuasion, and pacification. We don’t realize what a true gem our planet is from a universal perspective. Worlds like ours with a rich diversity of biological and mineral life, a habitable atmosphere, and tremendous water resources are rare and highly valued by technologically advanced races who have vastly depleted their home planets. Unfortunately, we largely treat our planet with disrespect, ignorance, and indifference. We are currently engaged in one of the most destructive collective paradigms in Earth’s history. The intervening extraterrestrial presence in our world is peaking at a time when humanity is weak, divided, and highly vulnerable. We are not united in our outlook, goals, or understandings, and many of us still hold onto violent prejudices, denial, and intolerance. The intervening ETs seek to capitalize on this as the Great Waves of change continue to affect our world during this shift.
We know that UFOs exist (both ET and man-made) and it is time to move beyond this. It is imperative that we come to understand what the ETs are doing here and why. We need to face these questions with clarity, sobriety, and integrity, for only then can we take effective action to counter any genuine threats to our freedom and self-determination. The emergence of humanity into the Greater Community of intelligent life will be the most significant transition we go through in our lives. The reality of Contact must serve humanity and our best interests. Clear guidelines and rules of engagement must be established with an emphasis on human sovereignty. Otherwise, we are very likely to be manipulated by advanced beings who make false promises. It has happened in the universe many times before and it will happen again — this is something all emerging races go through and we are right in the midst of it. The level of deception and persuasion that is occurring regarding ET contact is immense and must be met with real discernment.
Now, getting back to Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Movement. First, I would like to point out that the creation and establishment of the Disclosure Project was made possible through the direct assistance of the Rockefeller family. Greer admits in the movie to being close friends with Lawrence Rockefeller and of being invited out the Rockefeller family ranch in the Grand Tetons in 1993. While it is unclear what Lawrence’s real motives are, we must remember that the Disclosure Project was originally funded by the Rockefellers, a family which has had a tremendous influence on global affairs over the last century. I find it almost humorous that Greer talks about his encounters with Lawrence positively, and later in the film they attempt to demonize David Rockefeller for his conspiratorial and repressive acts against humanity.
When he is not giving a presentation on stage, Greer has sometimes been described as narcissistic and aggressive. When you ask direct questions, especially concerning the nature of negative ET interaction, his entire demeanor changes instantly, becoming elitist and dismissive. This was made most evident in the interview with Project Camelot, where Greer absolutely refuses to answer in a clear and forthright manner when questioned about the possibility that not all ETs are here for our best interest. He repeatedly emphasizes that all interpretations that portray ETs in a negative light are used to polarize people to fear a staged “interplanetary war” threat. While that is a valid point in some respects, this does not explain the activities of the intervening forces and refuses to acknowledge them directly.
What is most interesting is when he speaks about the Dulce underground base, claiming: “I have had more than a dozen people who have worked in facilities in Dulce and Pine Gap and other places where they have actually been growing the gray and reptilian species that people think are ETs.” (start interview here @ 15:55) This statement alone reveals a huge amount about Greer’s intentions and affiliations as he dismisses these highly secret facilities almost as if they are “insignificant”.
You will soon learn that the Dulce facilities are actually a joint alien-human secret deep underground complex that performs highly sadistic and dangerous experiments on hundreds of captives. Alarmingly, humans are not the highest in command at this facility.
He posits that there is no evidence that the planet has been invaded by hostile forces and refuses to accept that this could be a possibility at all (interview here @ 26 min). This is highly naive and arrogant and to tout this premise to his large follower base is actually dangerous. Given his wealth of high-level intelligence/elite contacts throughout his life, to say that there is “no evidence” is either calculated disinformation or he may have been programmed hypnotically to elicit these responses.
Something doesn’t add up with Dr. Greer. The people have a right to know the truth and to ask hard questions, no matter how “inconvenient” they may be. I am not the first person to suspect that Greer is a disinformation agent. In fact, many people disagree with him in the research/UFO communities. Please see these sources for more information.
Regarding Dr. Greer’s Book “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge” – revealing the involvement of bankers, royal families, and other control groups
Exopolitics vs. Exospin: A Response to Dr. Steven Greer by Michael E. Salla, PhD.
Here is part of a written testimony of someone who partook in one of Greer’s CE-5 Initiative events. This person was an avid enthusiast of Greer’s books, interviews, and activities since 2001, and his account is very revealing. The full text of this encounter can be found here and is worth the quick read.
“So it was with great excitement that I signed up for a CSETI presentation and a one day workshop with Dr. Greer that took place on November 13 and 14, 2009 in Costa Mesa, California to experience and learn CSETI’s contact protocol and to determine whether it would be worthwhile enrolling in a week long CSETI outing with Dr. Greer. Surprisingly, my pre-conceived opinion about Dr. Greer’s character began to disintegrate as I listened to his presentation. It was disheartening to discover he is excessively fascinated with himself, prone to indulge in name dropping and in bragging about his fantastic ‘high end’ and/or ‘in the know’ contacts and connections, not to mention the multitude of outlandish remarks he makes with a straight face, such as his impact on the rogue MAJESTIC secret government. So much so, that according to him, he “rejected a TWO BILLION dollars payout to shut up and abandon the ET disclosure issue”.
Needless to say, that night I left the auditorium less enthusiastic about what Dr. Greer is all about. But it was not until the workshop and the outing next day that my opinion about him really changed – unfortunately for the worst.
Again, during the workshop Dr. Greer devoted some time to self admiration while attempting to appear humble by saying, “I’m just a country doctor from North Carolina”. By then, I was becoming quite uncomfortable about him but as the workshop progressed my discomfort turned into dismay as I watched how rudely he treated some attendees who asked valid questions or made harmless remarks but whose timing or subject he deemed “inappropriate”. I was truly shocked and could not believe my ears and eyes as I watched him lash at them with such scornful contempt. It was so bad that I wondered if this man was consciously trying to chase these people away. Dr. Greer claims to have experienced meditative Samadhi or oneness with all. If so, one would think he would have achieved a certain degree of enlightenment and a sense of kinship toward his fellow men. Why then was he so harsh and unkind? Did he forget these people paid a significant amount of money not only to listen but to ask questions as well?
The worst and most disheartening part of this experience was witnessing the CSETI’s field contact protocol. At the site, a number of devices such as a radio transmitter, magnetometer, radar detectors, infrared scope, etc. were arranged. Even though I don’t doubt Dr. Greer may have had several ET experiences in the past, what I observed in the field that night is inconsistent with his hyperbolic claims suggesting he can vector ETs and make them appear. His actions and the facts demonstrated that at the very least this is a bold exaggeration. Not surprisingly, to cover up for this assertion Dr. Greer made sure to bring out a series of possibilities for a ‘no show’ prior to the field excursion. According to him, sometimes the ETs might not appear because, “there is someone in the group without good intent and a clean heart” or “the ETs feel threatened by US military” or “even though they won’t fully materialize they will manifest in a thousand other ways”.
Conveniently, there were plenty of people at hand, mostly staff, who would come forward to state that while meditating they saw this or heard that. Most amusing though were Dr. Greer’s remarks at the beeps and sounds made by his electronic equipment. You see, according to him an ET he named Walter communicates via one of these electronic devices and Dr. Greer is able to recognize which beeps he makes. Additionally, the large quantity of “WOW!” and “Oh my God!” remarks coming out of Dr. Greer’s mouth over unseen or imaginary nonevents was sadly hilarious. Often times he would point his mega laser beam at some spot in the sky and claim he was seeing a partly materialized ET craft. Of course, any one else saw nothing even though, according to him, many significant events were taking place that night because “we were such a great group”. To make matters worse, Dr. Greer supplemented the lack of any occurrence with information he received via “remote viewing”.
I found this charade insulting to my intelligence, intuitiveness and psychic sensibilities. I know ETs were not present that night and I would have respected Dr. Greer if he had been forthright and acknowledged the fact that there was no activity. I would understand; it happens.”
~ Knowledge Seeker, from Amazon Book Review: At his CSETI workshop I saw the REAL “Hidden Truth”
Greer denies that the abduction phenomena involves ETs or is malevolent in nature. He attributes virtually all abduction-related experiences to being ‘misinterpretations’ or human-initiated and strongly opposes anything that goes against this position. He also denies that the animal mutilation phenomenon is insidious in nature. Both of his papers on the subject [1] [2] clearly reveal his position on these matters, curiously without citing a single abduction or mutilation case in any detail.
He describes what he calls Programmed Life Forms (PLFs), which he claims that humans have engineered using advanced nano-biotechnology. He asserts that these PLFs are actually the reptilian and grey ‘alien’ beings found in deep underground military bases (DUMBs) that have been reported in hundreds of testimonies. While this technology likely exists to some extent, I believe this is a vast over-exaggeration and is used to deny the fact that human-extraterrestrial collusion is taking place on a large scale within elements of the paramilitary/shadow government. However, it is important to understand that there are military abductions (MILABS) which are conducted solely by humans who portray themselves to be Grey aliens — but not in all cases.
There is a big reason that the Disclosure Project is very slow to release any truly revealing information about the nature of human-ET military involvement: because it is ongoing and it is highly CRIMINAL in nature. Additionally, the majority of those even in high levels of government/military/intelligence don’t know the full scale of these operations, let alone of their existence. After all, these are ultra-secretive projects and those who have come forth with any genuine information are often silenced and/or denounced as crazy. Therefore, it is far easier (and more popular) to just say that there is “no evidence” and to deny the allegations entirely.
However, the reality is that thousands of people worldwide are being taken against their will every year. In many cases, they go missing and are never seen or heard of again. In other cases, they are returned after their abductions, often experiencing confusion, hours of missing time, and physical injuries and even implants that are unexplainable. They are hypnotically programmed to forget and to remember false implanted memories using advanced mind control techniques. The scale of these operations is vast and almost incomprehensible. There are thousands of men, women, and children that are being held captive in secret labs and military bases, often deep underground. They are undergoing procedures and tortures that we cannot imagine. When people start to really look into this phenomenon and start to get a better understanding of what is actually taking place, it is extremely shocking and uncomfortable at first.
The following interviews, videos, and articles will provide you powerful evidence and information of firsthand accounts regarding the ET-military-shadow government collusion that is occurring right now. This information is important because it reveals that there are indeed hostile extraterrestrial races that are currently engaging in barbaric acts against humanity. While some of this may be hard to grasp initially, I encourage you to set your denial aside and consider this information with an open mind. All of those who have been affected by this directly deserve to have a chance to be heard, in the hopes that exposure of these events and places will somehow reduce and eventually end these activities permanently.
This chilling interview describes many aspects of the Dulce underground base, including its history, construction, some of its operations, how it maintains secrecy, what types of aliens are working there, what they eat, the weapons/technology/security of the facility, and many other details. He possessed ULTRA-7 security clearance which was allowed access to the ‘alien only’ levels, including “Nightmare Hall”. A revolt took place in 1979, known as the Dulce Wars, with both human and reptilians who were attempting to expose the realities of the base and the missing persons to the surface. This mutiny was ruthlessly crushed and many were killed, both human and alien. Castello was able to escape during the chaos and lived on the run until his recent disappearance and likely death.
Q — Exactly what first made you aware that something was wrong at Dulce? Seems to me that a place as obviously horrible as this one wouldn’t need an Einstein to know that this is a CRIME site! What took you so long? Are you the guy who blew the whistle?
A — There are several things you should know about. I took an oath, under the penalty of death, that no matter what I saw or heard I would never divulge the information. Also, I signed a waiver that states I would willingly give up my life if I was found guilty of ‘treason’. At the Dulce Base treason is “ANYTHING that mentions the details of daily operations at this facility, when outside the confinement of the this base.” When I first arrived, a “need to know” policy was in effect. The story the ‘honchos’ told us was that “this is a Tri-Biotransfer Facility with Advanced Technology, doing advanced adventurous methodology for medical and mental gains.” Which is a fancy way of saying they do really risky things with human life just to see what would happen. If a medical cure happens, it will be heralded on the surface of the earth as a marvelous new cure, saying it was found after years of research at some well known medical lab. The real story of the cure is never explained. After all, the Dulce Base IS A SECRET FACILITY!
These people are very good at what they do. They do not tell the truth about the unfortunate people that end up in “Nightmare Hall.” I worked with aliens. With that in mind, you should get the idea of the secrecy and the security at that place. Yes, I know this was not the usual hospital type job site, but in the beginning I ‘bought’ the whole package. I was reminded daily by intercom, in the elevators, that “this site does high risk advanced medical and drug testing to cure insanity, please, never speak to the inmates, it can destroy years of work.” I’m sensible, when doctors say don’t speak to them, who was I to destroy the delicate situation?
But one man some how caught my eye. He repeatedly stated that he was George S—- and that he had been kidnapped and he was sure someone was searching for him. I don’t know why he sticks in my mind, I found I was remembering his face, thinking he sure didn’t look or sound insane, but many inmates said that. The next weekend I convinced a friend of mine, a cop, to run a check on the guy, saying I had a run in with him and was curious. I didn’t mention the base at all. It was a sickening feeling when the computer confirmed that George S. was missing. What’s worse, the cops thought he was just another guy that got tired of the daily grind and split. That was the beginning. Am I the one that blew the whistle? No. The next Monday, I searched for George, but he was gone. There were no records that explained what happened to him.
It was another security officer that came to me saying he and some lab workers wanted an off duty meeting at one of the tunnels, [off the record]. Curiosity took over and I said OK. That night, about nine men showed up. They said they knew they were risking me turning them in but they wanted to show me some things they thought I should see. One by one they showed records that proved many inmates were missing people. There were newspaper clippings, and even photos that they had some how smuggled into the base. They hoped to smuggle them back out, without me turning them in to the honchos. I could see the fear in their faces as they spoke. One man stated he would rather lose his life by trying, than to lose his soul by not doing anything at all. It was that remark that turned the tide. I told them about George and the things I found out about him. After a few hours we pledged to attempt to expose the Dulce Base.
Q — The name Nightmare Hall is descriptive, but surely there was a ‘regular’ name, what was it called in the manuals?
A — In the manuals it was called “The Vivarium”. It describes Dulce Base as a “secured facility for tending bio-forms of all types.” In their report it is retold as “a private subterranean bio-terminal park, with accommodations for animals, fish, fowl, reptile, and mankind.” After SEEING this ‘park’ the name Nightmare Hall is far more accurate than the manual. The ‘accommodations’ for the inmates at Nightmare Hall fall short of the pretty picture the manual describes.
Interview 2 – Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner
“Dealing with the aliens’ deceptive abilities may be the most crucial problem facing abduction research today. Once the illusionary capability has been demonstrated and experienced, new perceptions and insights often emerge. The witness usually has no trouble recognizing the non-human nature of the force behind the events. The manipulation of time and space by these beings, the way they play with our psychology and our perceptions, all bespeak a technology far beyond the human. Or certainly, if any human agency did have this sort of capability, it would have plenty of applications far better than pulling hundreds of 3 a.m. raids on bedrooms around the globe every night, decade after decade, in which thousands of humans pretend to be aliens.
The abductee also learns from experience that the aliens induce an altered perceptive state in humans during every encounter. Employed for control, it can be used to prevent any undesired responses from the abductee. And the altered state prevents any objective assessment of the situation by the witness. This means that the witness can only report what was seen, felt, and heard-which is not necessarily a reflection of what actually occurred. By inducing and manipulating altered consciousness in the abductee, the aliens assume full control of the situation and thus exert great control over the data reported by the witness.
Abductees report alien-controlled information.
This is a fact abduction researchers must face. Then, perhaps, work can begin on solving this problem, on finding ways around the memory blocks and screen illusions, in order to discover the real events and the agenda behind them. Until the day we can unmask the alien illusions, however, we can at least study the entire body of reported data, controlled though it may be, trying to learn more about why certain images and events are employed and what they can tell us about the covert directors of these scenarios.”
Interview 3 – Memory of an Alien Abductee under Hypnosis (Videos)
This is a 5-part video of a hypnosis session with an alien abductee conducted by Dr. Corrado Malanga. The video is primarily audio (Italian) with English subtitles. This is a unique opportunity to hear an alien abductee describe an actual abduction experience.
Interview 4 – Interview with Maarit, a Scandinavian MILAB (Military Abductee) by Eve Lorgen
“Disclaimer: This is a witness testimony of a military abductee Re-Ab, and contains disturbing material and is not recommended reading for those who cannot handle the reality of malevolent alien abductions or shadow government activities. I cannot vow to the absolute facts of all of this testimony nor all of Maarit’s opinions. This is offered as another piece of the puzzle exploring the milab issue and as an extension of the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner and Barbara Bartholic, as well as my own contribution. It is not meant to be fear based but as a “wake up call” testimony to acknowledge those who should not have to live lives of harassment, oppression and secrecy.”
Source 5 – Compilation of Articles, Books, Links by Researchers on Military Abductions (MILABS)
Top researchers in the field of Anomalous Trauma, including James Bartley, Dr. Karla Turner, Barbara Bartholic, Leah A. Haley, Helmut Lammer, Ph. D, Eve Lorgen, Budd Hopkins, and more.
Source 6 – Air Force Specialist Alleges Military and ET Abductions, Contact (Video)
“Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missile/anti-aircraft artillery radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for approximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred. Although her experiences are hard to believe, her down-to-earth way of relating the information if anything, underscores how very real they were and the depth of depravity and cruelty implied in her treatment brings to light some very sinister dealings going on that include a race or races of ETs and the military, that if true, couldn’t be more scandalous.
If and when government disclosure ever becomes a reality this is the type of story that will be very hard to explain let alone acknowledge by those coming forward at that time.
- Kerry Lynn Cassidy
There is no doubt that we are being conditioned for the collective disclosure that we are not alone. The ET card is definitely going to be played, the question is how? What many do not realize is that this is the final tactic that will be used to usher in the New World Order. There are many plans for this (including Project Bluebeam) and we must understand that mass deception will be used. Therefore, it is vitally important that we become informed about all sides of this issue while we still can, including the darker and uncomfortable aspects. We must be careful who we choose to believe and follow particularly concerning this subject. Not all ETs are malevolent, but we must see that there are those who wish to subvert and manipulate humanity. This information is not shared with you solely to promote fear. Rather, this is to give you a better idea of what is really going on in secret right underneath our feet. There is still a lot more that we aren’t being told. It will take great courage to face the darker aspects of life, but it must be done individually and collectively. I pray that humanity will heed the warnings and take a decisive stand for our freedom and our right to self-determination. May the truth be revealed for all to know and see!
Thank you for reading this far and for considering these important issues.
With love,