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Ancient Imagination or Ancient Facts? Prehistoric Flying Machines


hisotircI want to start off by saying that what I present in this article is a very minuscule amount of information that’s available on prehistoric flying machines. I try to stay on the topic of flying objects, and stay away from details of extraterrestrial beings, for which there is also an enormous amount of information. What I’ve presented in this article is but a fraction of the numerous accounts of a very large body of ancient puzzling phenomenon that has been documented throughout the ages. To cover this topic in depth would require thousands and thousands of pages, simply because there is so much evidence and information all over the world in multiple cultures and religions that date back thousands of years up to the present day.

I give thanks to the multiple researchers and historians who have spent their lives in this field. They have made it possible for people like me to investigate such things. I am not very knowledgeable on these subjects as the experts and historians are, but I feel I can provide enough information for others to see that there is something here, and to encourage them to further their research if interested. Examining the sources I used for this article is a great place to start.

If you are interested in the modern day UFO phenomenon, click here for some more articles by CE. This article however, will deal with a fraction of historical accounts of supposed prehistoric flying machines and extraterrestrials.

“We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or Elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.” – Richard Dolan (0)

Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today to turn those ‘mythical stories,’ (as we interpret them) into stories of possible ancient reality.

I’d also like to point out that today, highly advanced unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are a fact, and have been officially documented by governments and military agencies worldwide, not to mention hundreds of high level military and political witnesses.(1)(2)(3) Who are we to say that these flying objects in ancient history are mythical apparitions of the mind? Who’s to say that they were not also documented like they are today? Thousands of years from now, will our present civilization and its encounters with UFOs be considered mythological? Something to think about..I believe they’ve been around for millions of years, I believe the phenomenon has been documented for thousands of years.

“The mythology of the Eskimos says that the first tribes were brought to the North by “gods” with brazen wings. The oldest American Indian sagas mention a Thunderbird who introduced fire and fruit to them. The Mayan legend, the Popol Vuh, tells us that the “gods” were able to recognize everything; the universe, the four cardinal points of the compass, and even the round shape of the earth. What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the earth is round?” - Erich Von Daniken

 The legends of the pre-Inca peoples say that the stars were inhabited by the “gods” who came down to them from the constellation of the Pleiades. Sumerian, Babylonian, Syrian and Egyptian cuneiform inscriptions constantly present the same picture, that “gods” came from the stars and went back to them.  There is reference to extraterrestrial life in the Qur’an and Bible, beings that play in the realms of dark and light called Jins, Nephilim, Angles and more. There is reference to life on other planets and flying machines in the  Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and other ancient texts from all over the world that spread across many different continents. Is this just a coincidence?

The Vimanas of the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Samarangana Sutradhara

“Much has been written about vimanas, especially on the web. One can easily become lost amid the sites, although it soon becomes evident that most of them simply copy each others’ statements. It is obvious that precious few sites that discuss vimanas have any original research” – Richard Dolan

The world vimana is Sanskrit and has multiple meanings, for the palace of an emperor or god to a vehicle. Today, the word means aircraft.

 The Ramayana is a Veda epic that dates back to the fourth/fifth century, B.C. (6) In one passage, a vimana is described as a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” (0)(4)(5)

Vimanas are also described in the Mahabharata, another ancient text. In this case, measurements are given for one of the vimanas. It’s described as having twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference, about seven feet in diameter.(6)(0)

“They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.” The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.”(18)

According to the texts, these vimanas were used to transport the gods through the heavens. These flying machines, according to Erich Von Daniken, navigated at great heights with the aid of quicksilver and a great propulsive wind. The Vimanas could cover vast distances and could travel forward, upward and downward. Enviably maneuverable space vehicles.

Another interesting story that comes from the Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti,” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself. This matches stories in numerous ancient texts in numerous cultures and religions, stories of ‘gods’ interbreeding with humans, like the story Moses, or like Gilgamesh, or Aryuna in the Mahabharata, or the Nephilim in the Bible (a few of many examples). It also eerily correlates to abductions of modern day, forced abduction as well as friendly extraterrestrial encounters that many people report today.

Furthermore, many stories of serpent beings with superhuman powers exist within ancient literature. While we are focusing on texts from India right now, consider the Naga. According to Vedic tradition, the serpent Naga instructed humanity in knowledge of good and evil. “It is interesting how the serpent is seen as a symbol of wisdom or knowledge across many cultural traditions. Cultures such as the Scandinavian, Slavic, Hebrew, Tibetan, Hopi, and West African all depict serpent gods possessing esoteric wisdom..” – Richard Dolan (0)(8)

The Samarangana Sutradhara is a classical Indian architecture written in 1000-1055 AD. In it, whole chapters are devoted to describing airships whose tails spout fire and quicksilver. “The world ‘fire’ in ancient texts cannot mean burning fire, for altogether some forty different kinds of “fire,” mainly connected with esoteric and magnetic phenomena, are enumerated.” – Erich Von Daniken (4)(5)(9)

“It also describes types of machines as automotive, one stroke engine, remote-control machine and driver-run machine. Keep in mind, this is 1000 years ago. It devotes one full chapter on the building of flying machines. The book does not explain the process of building airplanes completely and says that it has been done purposely, for the sake of secrecy” – Prabhakar Apte, MA and PhD in Sanskrit. (5)(9)

I do not believe that we should dismiss the old Sanskrit texts as just myths, we have a tendency to do this with much of our ancient history.

“We are not going to get any further with the old approach which scholars unfortunately still cling to: That doesn’t exist…those are mistakes in translation…those are fanciful exaggerations by the author or copyists” – Erich Von Daniken

The Tibetan books Tantyua and Kantyua

The Tibetan books of Tantyua and Kantyua mention prehistoric flying machines, which they refer to as “pearls in the sky.”  (9)(4)  In both books, they emphasize that this knowledge is secret, and should be kept from the masses. The Chinese believed that these pearls in the sky were formed in the ocean. In India, dragons were often depicted fighting for possession of this pearl, chasing it across the skies.(8)

Click here to view the Dalai Lama’s thoughts on extraterrestrials.

Again, is it impossible and incredible that the chroniclers of the Mahabharata, the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the texts of the Eskimos, the American Indians, the Scandinavians, the Tibetans, and many, many other sources should all tell the same stories of flying “gods,” and strange vehicles, by chance without any foundation?

The Tulli Papyrus

The Tulli Papyrus are writings from ancient Egypt, it’s the earliest known, from the annals of Thutmose III, of Egypts 18th Dynasty, whose reign dates back to 3,500 years ago. These documents are named after Alberto Tulli, a director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican museum. (11)(0)

This is the translation of R. Cedric Leonard.

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day, among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They went to the king, to report it. His majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on. After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven. Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks. The army of the king looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky; a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was ordered that the event be recorded for His Majesty in the Annals of the house of Life to be remembered forever” (0)(10)

Modern Historical Accounts

All centuries are filled with flying apparatus accounts. This gives further credence that all of today’s ‘modern UFOs’ are not all advanced, classified military technology (although I believe many of them are, I also believe many of them are extraterrestrial).  In 1716, as reported in the “Boston News Letter,” there were strange appearances of Ships in the Air, which engaged each other for approximately thirty minutes. All of a sudden, a cloud of many colors covered them, which presented any further sight of them.(12)(0)

An account published in the journal Philosophical Transactions, from Westiminster, England from 1742 reads as follows:

“I saw a light arise from behind the Trees and houses, which I took at first for a large sky-rocket.; but when it had risen to the height of about 20 degrees, it took a motion nearly parallel to the horizon, but waved in this manner. Its motion was so very slow, that I had it above half a minute in view, and therefore enough time to contemplate its appearance fully.  There was nothing around in 1742 that could have explained this sighting.(13)(0)

One report from 1799, describes a “luminous spot seen moving across the path of Mercury.(14)(0) Another one from the journal Philosophical Transactions, in 1847 concerned a very odd moving light. According the writer, “it looked like a star passing over the Moon which, on the next moment’s consideration I knew to be impossible. It was a fixed, steady light upon the dark part of the Moon.(15)(0)

One very interesting account comes from a 1894 issue of the Astrophysical Journal about “a light reflecting body, or a bright spot near Mars seen on the 25th of November. It was seen by Professor Pickering and others at the Lowell Observatory, described as “a light reflecting body above an unilluminated part of Mars.” (16)(0)

In 1845, near Sicily and Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, three luminous bodies rising up from the sea about half a mile from the ship were reported by the captain. It was a Royal Navy ship.

“On June 18th, at 9h 30m p.m., the brig Victoria, from Newcastle to Malta, in lat. 36 40′ 46, long. 13 44′ 36, was becalmed, with no appearance of bad weather, when her top-gallant and royal masts suddenly went over the side as if carried away by a squall. Two hours it blew very hard from the east, and whilst all hands were aloft reefing topsails, it suddenly fell calm again, and they felt an overpowering heat and stench of sulphur. At this moment three luminous bodies issued from the sea, about half a mile from the vessel, and remained visible for ten minutes. The sulphur connection is intriguing, since many UFO accounts have been connected to the smell of sulphur.” (17)(0)

Ancient Art (forgive us we are having some technical difficulties with regards to spacing here)

ufoThere are many examples of flying machines in ancient European cave paintings. This one on the left (one example of the earliest known forms of human art) is from the French cave of Pech Merle. In this cave, in the paintings, there are several objects that resemble flying saucers. The paintings here are approximately 20,000 years old, and of course we can never really know what the true meaning of the painting is, but it is interesting nonetheless.

Wandjina Bachsten6This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia. They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago. These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings. In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great power of nature. The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today’s purported extraterrestrial visitations.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere are paintings like this all over the world. Just like there are many ancient pyramids built all over the world by different civilizations at different times that had no contact with each other, these cave paintings share the same anomaly.  These are petroglyphs discovered in Utah, in the Barrier Canyon, which depict a number of tall beings with similar shaped heads as to the ones in Australia. There are also similar beings painted on rocks in Utah’s Sego Canyon.

italyIn Northern Italy, in the region of Lombardy, dwells paintings that date back approximately 5,000 to 7,000 years. Depicted here appears to be beings with a halo, or a helmet around them with lines extending outward. Given all of the texts that also mention ancient machinery, like the ones from India (mentioned earlier in article), I think it’s safe to throw in the possibility that these could very well have been ancient astronauts.

Below are some more examples of UFO and ET depictions throughout history:

1. “The Crucifixion” hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, Yugoslavia, it was painted in 1350.

2. This image is from the 12th century manuscripts “Annales Laurissenses.”

3. From the French book “Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs” by Jackques Legrand, 1338

4. “The Miracle of the Snow” by Masolino Da Panicale circa 1400 from Florence, Italy

5. This image is from the 12th century manuscripts “Annales Laurissenses”

6. Broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates many flaming and “large black globes” that were reported to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1586. This one is from the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland.

7. “The Madonna with Saint Giovanninoz” painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown


I think I’m going to stop here with this article. I hope I’ve done a decent job showing that prehistoric flying machines have been well documented throughout known human history. I didn’t even scratch the surface, and left out numerous pieces of art, artifacts, hieroglyphs, and other ancient civilizations that weren’t mentioned, as well as numerous descriptions of ancient flying machines and extraterrestrials.

UFOs are a common theme throughout human history, and with all of the evidence available today, a long with secrecy involved, more people are starting to become aware that something is going on. I believe the more we become aware, the more this phenomenon occurs. I feel that civilizations and societies in the past were well aware of this phenomenon, which allowed them to interact more with them. Today, our awareness is regenerating, to one that was once possibly present in our ancient history.


(0)Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014

(4) Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods. New York: Berkley Books, 1970

(1) http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos/

(2) http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/comint_part_j.pdf

(3) http://www.collective-evolution.com/category/alternative-news/exopolitics/

(5) http://contentwriteups.blogspot.ca/2013_07_01_archive.html

(6) Mahabharata VIII.31.80

(7) Dutt, Manatha Nath. Ramayana, Elysium Press, Calcutta, 1892 and New York, 1910.

(8) http://books.google.ca/books?id=-3804Ud9-4IC&pg=PA72&lpg=PA72&dq=Tibetan+pearls+in+the+sky&source=bl&ots=FQJDT0JgEs&sig=Ay_a0rbBtD_o8SDJgh4G15akt7Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QsEcU6_WHKWEygH-1oCAAw&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Tibetan%20pearls%20in%20the%20sky&f=false

(9) http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/pune-s-octogenarian-translates-1000yearold-book-by-raja-bhoja/1146884/0

(10) Leondard, R. Cedric, Firce Circles, A Revised Translation of the Tulli Transcription, (www.atlantisquest.com/Firecircle.html)

(11) See “Tulli Papyrus,” Wikipedia, the free Internet encyclopedia for a good overview of this.

(12) “Daniel Guenther’s Just the Cases UFO database.” (www.jtc-ufo.com/database/sightings/4)

(13) Philosophical Transcations, Vol. 42, p. 524.

(14) Jenkins, B.G. “The luminous spot on Mercury in transit.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 38 (April 1878): p. 338. Fort, Charles, Book of the Damned, p. 198

(15)(16) Fort, Charles, Book of the Damned, Cosimo Classics, 2004, p ;199. and 195

(17) Malta Mail Times, August 18th, 1845.

(18) http://www.hinduwisdom.info/Vimanas.htm

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