It is time for the public to know the truth about the alien presence on our planet, what its overall goals are, and what we can do about it. The official policy of all governments has been to deny that extraterrestrial phenomenon even exists, but this is clearly nonsense given the overwhelming amount of leaked documentation, credible high-level testimonies, genuine experiences, and extensive research that proves otherwise. This is a topic that receives virtually no media attention or serious consideration by the majority of people. Yet the reality of advanced extraterrestrial life is one of the most profound realizations anyone can make. And it is one we must make if we are to continue serving as the preeminent stewards of this planet without losing our freedoms as a race.
We cannot afford to be naive and ignorant any longer, for the magnitude of this situation becomes quite clear once you really see it for what it is. Most of us can fathom a human power elite vying for world domination, but we also need to consider the role that some extraterrestrial forces are having here too. It isn’t to say that every ET race is interested in take over, it is quite possible that many are interested in peace, but it is also true that a take over agenda could be the goal of some ET races. Our very freedoms depend on us seeing and knowing what we are truly up against. This is why genuine whistleblowers are so crucial at this time, as they can give us a unique perspective that the public is normally not privy to.
Phil Schneider, a former government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience in black projects, is one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history. In his presentation at the Preparedness Expo in September 1995, he exposes the gravity of the New World Order agenda and its connection with extraterrestrials in a direct and controversial manner. Less than 6 months after giving this talk, he was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped around his neck in what appears to be a military-style execution. According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeatedly before being killed. The authorities dismissed the death as a suicide.
All of Schneider’s talks contain explosive claims about government cover-ups, black budget projects, UFOs, and government/military collaboration with aliens in deep underground bases. During his lecture tour in the mid-90s, he even brought with him physical evidence of alien metals, artifacts and genuine photographs to further validate his claims. This article will present to you some of the most important information as revealed by Schneider in the following video. I highly recommend watching the presentation in its entirety, but since I know not everyone has the time, I have gone through and listed some of the most important sections for your consideration. The talk begins at 03:20 mins.
The information presented in this article is highly contradictory to “conventional reality” and will be shocking to those who have not done much research on these subjects. That does not make these claims any less real or valid. Please proceed with caution, for the information you are about to read is extremely important to understand in a sober and objective manner.
Schneider, born April 23 1947, was a geologist, structural engineer, and metallurgist that worked on building deep underground military bases (DUMBS). He spent more than 17 years within US government black projects carrying a level three security clearance (Rhyolite 38) at secret bases such as Area 51, S-4, and Los Alamos. He co-invented methods used in shape charge explosives research to facilitate the building of underground military bases as well as submarine bases. He claims to be one of only three survivors of the now infamous Alien/Human War at the Dulce, New Mexico and Los Alamos underground bases where 66 government agents and workers lost their lives in August of 1979. More on this later.
Schneider claims that all information dealing with aliens is kept well hidden from the public and that the US military has known about the alien presence for more than 85 years, going back as early as 1909. He asserts that more than 500 billion dollars was being allocated annually to black projects dealing with these matters in 1995. According to Schneider, 28% of the US Gross National Product was being spent exclusively on building underground bases. This black budget sidesteps Congress completely and is a treasonous violation of Constitutional law and taxpayer money. Without a doubt, these budgets and projects continue today on a massive scale.
Schneider reveals the following bombshell revelations. Keep in mind, this was presented in late 1995 and has most certainly progressed significantly over the last 17 years:
1. There are 131 active DUMBS in the US, with approximately 1477 worldwide underground bases. Each one has an average cost of 17-19 billion dollars, taking approximately 1-2 years to construct using highly advanced methods. They vitrify and melt the rock using ultra-sophisticated lasers that reduces the rock to a powder and then smooth out the tunnels using powerful boring machines. These bases are truly massive and capable of housing thousands upon thousands of individuals.
2. Magneto-levaton trains connect all DUMBS within the continental US in a vast subterranean transport system capable of speeds MACH 2 or more. There is literally another world underground that is incredibly vast and filled with lifeforms, both human and non-human. Before his death, Schneider had a book in the works that was going to detail the precise latitude/longitude coordinates of all DUMBS that he was aware of. Unfortunately, he was killed in January 1996 and the book was never released.
3. Area 51 (Groom Lake, Nevada) is a mega-complex of 9 deep underground bases (Tonopah, S-2, S-4, etc), encompassing over 4.5 cubic miles of hollowed out underground space. There are over 18,000 workers who frequently work 12+ hour shifts and whose lives are kept secret and highly regulated.
4. The US government signed an agreement in 1954 with extraterrestrials granting them the right to experiment on humans and cattle in exchange for technology. This agreement was known as the Grenada Treaty and is a well-documented event. The original terms for this treaty were that only a small number of humans could be abducted, they had to be returned to their original locations, their memories had to be wiped, and the aliens were supposed to submit a list of the individuals they were taking to Majestic-12. However, after a few years of this, it became clear that the aliens were taking far more humans than they had originally bargained for, which spawned the origins of the alien-human conflict that persists to this day. (See 31:33 mins)
5. In August 1979, he was employed by Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. and was assisting in building an addition to the Dulce, New Mexico underground base. At the time, the project had drilled four holes in the desert which were to be linked together with tunnels. Schneider’s job was to go down into the holes, check the rock samples, and recommend the explosives to deal with particular rock. In the process, the workers accidentally opened a large artificial cavern occupied by alien Grays. Schneider described one of the beings as 7 feet tall, incredibly smelly, and giving off a vile presence. He shot and killed 2 of these grays before being “split open like a fish” by some kind of alien electromagnetic pulse attack that burned off most of his left hand and toenails. He describes this incredible experience and how a Green Beret saved his life at 19:00 minutes into the video.
6. More than 66 humans were killed in the firefight that ensued during one of the most secret battles in modern human history. An abridged report of this event can be found here and is highly recommended reading. Since the Dulce Wars took place, the major militaries of the world including the USA, Russia, and China, have been in “constant conflict” with aliens. This is why the militaries have been shooting down UFOs and act so aggressively to their presence when near sensitive installations.
7. Schneider claims that there are 11 distinct races of aliens here on Earth, with 2 of them being benevolent. He shows a picture of an alien who has been working at the US Pentagon since 1943 known as ‘Val Valiant 4′. This “semi-benevolent” alien supposedly has a 490 year life span, 6 fingers/toes, an oversized heart, one giant lung, copper oxide for blood, an IQ of more than 1200, and speaks more than 100 human/alien languages fluently. This being has not changed significantly in appearance over the years and is likely still working with the US government in some capacity, probably under duress. (See 23:18 mins)
8. Schneider presents two physical samples of alien metals and elements that are unknown to the public. One of these is Corbamite, or element 140, and is the heaviest element in the world. It is 3.5x the weight of uranium, scratches diamond and sapphire easily, cannot be made to emit gamma rays, cannot be an isotope, and is totally stable. It is used in all stealth aircraft and Phoenix-class submarines. When combined with other alien elements, it is impregnable. It cannot be melted with charged particle beam weapons, and can withstand temperatures of 1 million degrees farenheit. Since the publicly known periodic table of elements contains only 104 elements, clearly there is much, much more known in the black project areas of science and military that we are not privy to! (See 28:38 mins)
9. “The New World Order and the alien agenda is one and the same.” He describes the alien agenda as “the complete takeover of this planet, the killing off of 5/6 to 7/8 of the world’s population by 2029.” An alien takeover would mean the implementation of a one world government, which is the direct opposite of Constitutional law and would be the end of freedom as we know it. This is a very serious threat and the implications must be taken seriously by all those who are against the New World Order. (See 31:33 mins)
10. Near the end of his talk, an audience member asks if the alien agenda dictates the agenda of the globalists. Schneider responds: “Yes they do, in total, in their entirety. They may even be in charge.” When asked if the presidents are aware of this, Schneider confirms that they are. (See 1:04:15)
11. At least 9 races of alien beings regard humans as a food source. They are not all cannibalistic, however. They use the glandular secretions of animals and humans for mixtures of the vitamins of their food, and can actually get high from our adrenaline. This is why there are so many reports of cruel and sadistic torture that goes on at these underground bases, as some of the aliens literally feed off the fear-laden substances that humans emit in times of great distress. (See 31:33 mins)
12. According to Schneider, there are more than 100,000 missing children totally unaccountable from FBI archives in the US alone. He believes that many of them are held captive underground and summarily done away with. In some cases, they are “literally eaten.” Human abductions by aliens is a serious problem and is completely disregarded and overlooked. Literally thousands of people are going missing each month and are never returned! This continues to occur today, against the will of millions of people worldwide, many who do not even remember or realize they have been taken. Schneider believes that 6-7 million humans have been slaughtered since 1954 at the hands of aliens. (See 34:40 mins) The underground bases are literally being used as cities by these aliens to further their takeover agenda. This must be recognized and must be admitted publicly! These atrocities cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely or we will surely suffer grave consequences as a result of our apathy and indifference.
13. Sixteen days prior to giving this presentation, Schneider was shot in the shoulder by an FBI agent who was trying to kill him. He shot and killed this agent in self-defense and talks about this openly at 49:35 mins. He reported this to the FBI and they dismissed him and the incident. 11 previous attempts were made on his life since he started speaking out. Additionally, DIA agents tried to kidnap his daughter but were unsuccessful due to the brave actions of his ex-wife. Sadly, Schneider was finally terminated with extreme prejudice in January of 1996 after speaking out heroically for many years. His service and dedication to humanity, his country, and our freedoms will not be forgotten.
I believe that Schneider is genuine in his claims and is presenting what he knows to the best of his knowledge and experience. He was a true patriot and a firm advocate of Constitutional law. He loved the United States more than his life and he paid the ultimate sacrifice in speaking out on these matters. This is what happens when you blow the whistle on truly sensitive realities. The implications of his claims are truly serious and something that we must become aware of. Even more than 17 years later, this information is incredibly relevant. We must demand the truth from our governments and elected officials. If they are intentionally deceiving us or lying to us in any way, they should be removed from office and prosecuted for treason to the fullest extent of the law. We cannot afford to have treasonous leaders and politicians with no integrity anymore.
The malevolent alien presence that is physically residing in secret on this planet is the biggest threat that humanity faces. Many people claim that if aliens were here this whole time, that they would have taken over already. There are several reasons why this is NOT the case. First of all, the aliens here are not military powers and they are not going to reveal themselves with an overwhelming show of force. The aliens are much more cunning than that. They know that a far more effective takeover is possible through secretive infiltration, manipulation, and persuasion, which can be accomplished without a single shot being fired. Secondly, the aliens have a very hard time living on the surface because of the biological and bacterial risks of contamination. This is why they stay underground primarily as our germs have a tendency to harm and even kill them.
The reason why they have been abducting humans and performing DNA/sexual organ/tissue experiments has been to create an alien-human hybrid race which has the physical endurance of humans along with the advanced mental/psychic capabilities and social cohesion of the aliens. The allegiance of these hybrid beings is to the aliens ultimately, yet they look exactly like normal human beings. We would not be able to tell the difference if we were to see them in person. These hybrid beings are being created to serve as the next set of leaders once the New World Order framework is established.
Deception will definitely be used when the extraterrestrial reality is presented to the public. It is possible that they will try to sell some kind of “staged invasion threat” in order to scare people into submission and a heightened sense of fear-based unity. Additionally, they will eventually present themselves as the “saviors” of humanity, seeming peaceful and attractive, effectively playing both sides, by offering us technology, “wisdom”, “peace”, and other forms of “assistance” to our most pressing problems. If we accept their offers, we are likely to become dependent on them and will eventually lose our self-sufficiency as a race. This is very similar to the TV show “V” (2009), where reptilian ET beings falsely present themselves as benevolent beings before ultimately enslaving the human race. They are literally letting you know what is coming and what is already happening behind the scenes.
We are not united enough as a race yet to be engaged in extraterrestrial diplomacy. These aliens have been intervening in human affairs without our invitation and are acting in a deceptive and secretive manner. They should not be trusted until they prove themselves. Humanity needs to establish proper borders to space and realize that we must change our ways significantly in order to deal with advanced lifeforms who are attempting to prey upon vulnerable beings such as humans.
Life in the Universe by Marshall Vian Summers (Free book)
These alien forces are very advanced technologically but they are not advanced spiritually. They can perform feats and acts that most of us would call miracles. However, we can see past this with proper understanding. In fact, our greatest defense and offense is the connection to and application of the divine intelligence that resides within each of us. This has been called many names, including Knowledge, gnosis, intuition, our Higher Self, etc. By tapping into this power, we can see, know, and act with certainty. The power of Knowledge cannot be manipulated by any force. Each of us has this God-given power and it is up to us to cultivate and allow this power to be expressed in the world.
The aliens are strong in the Mental Environment, which can be used to influence our thoughts and feelings at will. Literally, they can project images, thoughts, and feelings onto a person and they would accept them as being totally real. This is why developing protective psychic self-defense measures and becoming strong in Knowledge is incredibly important for each of us. The strong will always dominate the weak so it is time to become strong.
Collectively, we must speak out against this alien intervention and demand that we be told the truth about these matters. No longer can we sit on the sidelines and remain silent. Alternative truth outlets must start covering this phenomenon with courage and integrity. Becoming educated about alien affairs is of prime importance, for humanity’s destiny is to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. This process is happening now because alien forces are already here; we do not have to go out into space to meet them. While they are providing a great threat to our freedom, they are also providing us a crucial opportunity to realize that we are one planetary race and ultimately one human family. It is time to see past our petty and insignificant differences and face the realities of life with objectivity, strength, and wisdom. We must become sufficiently united to counter these threats, create a sustainable paradigm, and learn about interacting with other advanced intelligent lifeforms.
While this may be hard to accept at first, we must do our best to remain objective when considering these issues. Please see the additional sources below for more information about these critical matters. If humanity fails to adequately face and address these threats, the future is going to be far different than we imagine it now to be. Freedom must be fought for and vigilantly protected once attained. We have been lazy and complacent and now we must rise up again and take a stand for what our forefathers have earned for us. After all, if we lose our freedoms, what else do we have left?
United we stand a chance, divided we will fail. The choice is ours. Time is of the essence as the alien forces are growing stronger by the day. They are counting on us remaining ignorant and complacent and arrogantly assume that we will not stand up to them. Are we really going to let them just take over our planet without even facing them directly? Gathering in groups, discussing, and speaking out about the alien threat is of vital importance! Inform yourself by doing more research to understand the realities that we are facing today. They are of immense importance and not enough attention is being given to these issues. Let us take a true stand for our freedom and our stewardship of this beautiful planet. This is going to be the ultimate set of tests but humanity can emerge through this as a strong, united, and free interplanetary race.
“An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” ~ M.L.K.
“An uninformed populace is a populace in slavery.” ~ G.W.
Additional Sources
Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan – - an absolutely excellent writeup that exposes all facets of the alien agenda in a well-written, well-researched manner. Highly recommended.
Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out - this chilling interview describes many aspects of the Dulce underground base, including its history, construction, some of its operations, how it maintains secrecy, what types of aliens are working there, what they eat, the weapons/technology/security of the facility, and many other details. He possessed ULTRA-7 security clearance which was allowed access to the ‘alien only’ levels, including “Nightmare Hall”.
Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner - one of the pioneers in all abduction research. She mysteriously died of “cancer” in her 40′s after revealing too much about the truth behind the abduction phenomenon. Her books have since been taken out of print.
Allies of Humanity Briefings - a group of extraterrestrial beings who have observed the Intervention taking place on Earth. Their perspective offers the clearest big picture understanding of what is happening, what is at stake, and what we can do to stop the Intervention and emerge as a free and self-determined race into the Greater Community.
Compilation of Articles, Books, Links by Researchers on Military Abductions (MILABS)
Air Force Specialist Alleges Military and ET Abductions, Contact (Video)
Declaration of Human Sovereignty – Regarding Contact with Extraterrestrial Forces and Nations
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