The National Security Agency (NSA) has released a number of previously classified UFO and extraterrestrial documents over the past couple of years. This one comes straight from the NSA Technical Journal – Vol. X1, No.1, written by H. Campaigne. The journal entry is titled “Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages(2).” A signal is detected from outer space, and the NSA attempts to decode the message.
What conclusions can we draw from this document?
One conclusion we CAN draw is that the NSA has an active interest in the search for extraterrestrial life. Humanity has always believed that NASA is the primary body interested and heading the search for extraterrestrial life. Did we ever stop to consider that almost half of the United States budget goes to agencies that are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense? If anybody has the resources to look into the extraterrestrial subject, it’s agencies like the NSA.
The release of this document also tells us that extraterrestrial matters remain classified and all monitoring of extraterrestrial activity remains classified. Only a few documents have been released, I wonder what still remains classified? The United States Air Force also has a space agency separate from NASA. It’s called the USAF Space Command.
How do we determine the validity of this document?
The source has a URL. You cannot fake a .gov URL, it’s impossible. The document is considered public information and is available through the official NSA website. There is another link to the document found from a search query straight from the NSA web site, you can view that in the list of sources as well. This document is 100 % real, and was approved for declassification by the NSA.
You can view the document here -
The extraterrestrial phenomenon is a large one, and branches off into so many different subjects. Now more so than ever, it has become extremely clear that agencies like the NSA don’t really represent the people that they are said to protect. It seems they use the shield of ‘national security’ to classify information and justify certain actions.
The dangers of excessive concealment of facts, far outweigh the dangers that are sighted to justify them. There is very grave danger, that an announced need for increased security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning, to the very limits of official censorship and concealment – JFK (1)
Please keep in mind that NSA documents do not represent and speak for all UFO documentation. Thousands upon thousands of official UFO documentation is available in the public domain. Military agencies and governments worldwide have been declassifying files for a few years now, and some of them are quite astonishing encounters.
Entire Document Available In “Sources” At Bottom of Article
- NSA Technical Journal Vol. XIV, No. 1
UFOs are constantly tracked on radar my DoD agencies, jets are scrambled to take closer looks at the objects. Objects perform maneuvers that our modern day air-craft are not capable of. You can view this full document here: